Choosing the Perfect Digital Marketing Agency for Your Real Estate Business

 As a real estate business owner, you understand the importance of digital marketing. With so many homeowners browsing online for their next home purchase, it is crucial to have an online presence. However, managing all aspects of digital marketing can be time-consuming. That is where partnering with the right digital marketing agency can help take your real estate business to the next level.

When choosing a digital marketing agency, there are several factors you will want to consider to ensure you find the perfect fit for your real estate company. This article will outline the most important things to look for in an agency and provide tips for selecting one that will deliver results.

Define Your Goals and Budget

The first step is defining exactly what goals you want to achieve from your digital marketing efforts. Are you looking to generate more leads? Increase brand awareness? Improve search engine rankings? Having clear goals in mind will help narrow down which agencies may be the best fit. You'll also want to determine your budget for digital marketing services upfront. Discussing goals and budgets openly with potential agencies sets expectations.

Research Agency Experience and Expertise

Once you know your goals and budget, start researching different digital marketing agencies focusing specifically on those that specialize in real estate. Look for agencies that have extensive experience successfully marketing real estate businesses through SEO, social media, content marketing, paid advertising, and more. Check client testimonials and case studies to see tangible results past clients have achieved. Make sure the agency has proven experience and knowledgeable professionals who focus specifically on real estate marketing.

Evaluate Marketing Strategies and Plans

How an agency proposes to achieve its goals through its strategies and monthly marketing plans is hugely important. Ask agencies to propose a detailed plan outlining the specific tactics and activities they recommend every month to hit your objectives. Look for agencies with strategic, data-driven plans versus outdated or generic approaches. Make sure their plan aligns well with both your goals and budget. Be wary of any agency proposing strategies or high-pressure sales tactics that seem unrealistic or questionable.

Consider Service Offerings and Account Management

In addition to marketing expertise, you'll want full-service offerings including search engine optimization, content marketing, social media, paid ads, creative services, analytics, and reporting from your partner agency. It's also key the agency can provide the dedicated account management and client support services your real estate business needs. Ask about the account team structure and support model to ensure clear communication lines and timely assistance. Full-service agencies able to handle all your digital needs with responsive, personalized account service tend to deliver the best results.

Check Reviews and Testimonials

No matter how good an agency may sound on paper, it's important to check reviews and testimonials from past clients. Look for agencies with many positive real estate business reviews on sites like Google, and Facebook, and within industry publications. If possible, ask to speak directly to a few of the agency's current real estate clients. Ask these references directly about their experience working with the agency, results achieved, account management, and if they would recommend the agency to another business owner. Positive reviews and referrals from real estate clients are a telltale sign of an agency's abilities.


Q: How long will it take to see results from a digital marketing agency?

A: Most agencies recommend allowing at least 3-6 months to fully realize the impact of their strategies. Initial results like increased leads, website traffic, or social followers may be seen sooner, but long-term marketing requires ongoing effort to achieve all objectives. Sticking with one agency's plan long-term usually delivers the best outcomes.

Q: What should the contract and fees with an agency look like?

A: Reputable agencies typically offer transparent, monthly fixed-fee contracts to cover all their agreed-upon services. Watch out for large upfront fees or unpredictable monthly bills. Ensure any additional fees outside the scope of work are clearly outlined. Ask about standard cancellation/termination policies as well.

Q: How do I ensure an agency is the right long-term partner for my business?

A: Open communication, regular performance reports, a trial period, and a satisfaction guarantee are signs an agency aims for long-term success. Consider signing at least a 6-12 month contract to fairly evaluate results. The best fit communicates regularly and makes your success their top priority.


With the right digital marketing agency partner, your real estate business can see exponential growth online. By considering agencies with specialized real estate experience, strategic plans, full-service offerings, positive reviews, and exceptional client care, you'll select the perfect match. Most importantly, allow time for their efforts to materialize and commit to their strategies long-term to maximize impact. A strong agency-client relationship is key to dominating your local market digitally.
